Monday, January 2, 2012

The Beginning - 2012

The past few weeks I have had a notion to start a blog.... I am not entirely sure on what I am going to write about and what to put on my blog, but after getting some persuasion from such an amazing friend (Adam Huish) I decided as one of my new year's resolutions I was going to start my own blog...
So the year 2012 is here.... And i know its going to be a good one! But looking back at the past year of 2011 I have had many memorable moments and numerous learning experiences that leads to only imagining what the new year has in store for me. Hopefully I will continue to grow into a better person each day in 2012 and living each day to its fullest.

So.. beginning of 2012. A new year. Means new years resolutions. In addition to my new blog here are a couple of others I decided to do...
First I am going to practice piano. I am pretty sure that was last years as well, but that just means I've had a year to prepare myself to become even more determined! Right? Growing up I've always wanted to become a really good pianist, but it hasn't always worked out. So hopefully now that I am living at home I will practice while I can and have my amazing mother be my piano teacher. She has an amazing talent on the piano, and has a great amount of patience with me when I practice. Anyone who has every practiced piano, or another instrument, can relate how frustrating it can be when you practice and there are times when your fingers just wont do what you want!!! So I am so grateful that she has always been and always be my teacher and role model no matter how many times I quit (which hopefully never again).
My other resolution is to help teach myself the ukulele... This has been a long work in progress. Ever since I left Hawaii I have slowly learned a few chords and songs on the uke, but I am not anywhere of being good at it. Teaching yourself is a lot harder when you don't have an amazing teacher right there by your side to help you.
Those are pretty much my new years resolutions, besides trying to become a better person each and everyday. I hope through this year I can become closer to the person God intends me to be. I know through 2011 I've made a fair amount of mistakes, but what is great about the atonement, is that it is kind of like new years.... you can start new, refreshed, and you have a resolution leaving behind the old year or in this case an old mistake/fault/sin... But the atonement is so much better than new years because its all year round, you don't have to wait 365 days to use it and to change something in your life. Which is just fantastic! Right? Because I'm pretty sure in 2012 I'm going to be making mistakes again, and I would hate to have to wait until January 1, 2013 to be able to start fresh towards perfection and purity.

I want to let my friends and family know how much I love and appreciate them in my life. They have been by my side for the past 21 years of life and now another year in 2012. I know I'm not even close to perfection (even though I claim to be majority of the time), but no matter what I go through or what I do, I have people in my life that are always going to be there for me, to give me the advice I need, a shoulder to lean on, and I hope that 2012 brings an unforgettable ride.
So Happy New Year everyone! And enjoy 2012!!!!

"We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives… not looking for flaws, but for potential." – Emily Goodman

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