If you could go back in time, to any time era, when would it be and why?
Really think about it.... The possibilities are endless. You could go back when Christ was here on earth, when there were pharaohs and Egyptians, Caesar and Roman Empire, any scripture event or the restoration of the church, any significant world event......
Growing up I have always wanted to do go back in time to.... live in the time when the old west was forming. The way of life back then fascinates me. How awesome would it be to ride a horse wherever you go and just tie it up at the post in town, or to have complete different worlds in an area.... cowboys and Indians or having such a simple technology/busy free life compared to the one we live in now??
I mean I am grateful to live in this day for the technology and medicine we have today, but there are times I wish I could just leave it all, and go back to a world where none of it existed. No phones, ya it might suck for some of the time but phone, gaming, computers, all that technology imagine a life where you weren't a slave to it. That you had to use your imagination to pass the time and rather then being glued to xbox all day but rather you were outside making your own adventures.
I especially would love to have all I own with me, just me and packed on my horse, and live off the land. Those people had skills who could do that. They had to learn what to eat/not to eat, how mother nature is, how to survive, how to be grateful for the only things they had because all they had were the thing needed to survive, and how to be appreciate and accept themselves in their state. I think they really knew themselves and life.
Today I feel like we get so caught up in our busy lives and can be slaves to all this technology and the craziness of the changing world we forget the simplicity of life. I see these ads around saying to unplug and discover the forest/world....
How true... I think of my childhood growing up, not having the technology kids have these days. What I did? My neighbor and one of my best friends Lizzy, we would ride our bikes to the creek down the road, catch fish with nets and just play in the water, or go dig for worms to put in our parent's garden, or caught horny toads, created a club in a broken down van, we made up endless games, found so many different things to do with our minds and physically rather than being glued to a tv, computer, gaming system, or phone.
So the wild wild west..... Life back then seems adventurous and realistic.! Wish I could experience it, but I guess I will have to read books taking place back then instead, at least my mind can experience it.
So think about a time back in history you'd want to experience and why. And also take the advice and unplug and discover the forest!!