Monday, August 27, 2012

Cupcake Decorating

Each month the relief society presidency of the singles wards makes cupcakes to celebrate the birthdays for that month. For August it was my turn and so late one Sat. night after we got a home from a rodeo, Hutch and I baked cupcakes and then decorated them..... Pretty sure he had a better time than me.
That morning I bought some stuff to decorate them with. Sprinkles and different colored frosting gels. As we were finishing frosting them I started to decorate some.... I put some thought and effort into them, trying to make them look good for the girls in the ward.
I get done with 7 and turn to see Hutch just going at it... Throwing sprinkles on them everywhere... including all over the kitchen, and then randomly is squeezing the gel on them, pretty sure not making any certain designs. 

Well... I only got the chance to decorate 7, while he decorated 21, if you can even call it that.
These aren't all of them, but mine are the left. They may not be the best decorated, but you can see a difference between mine and Hutch's decorative skills. Not sure if the girls ate them or not because I had to leave the meeting early, but I'm sure they tasted better than they looked.