Sunday, February 19, 2012

You're Worth It

Well I have been slacking on the blog writing.... I know.... And this morning I woke up with something that I wanted to write about, but after attending church today I had another idea, so my original topic is going to wait for another day and today I wanted to write about a quote that I heard in Relief Society.


At first I thought, wow that's a cool little quote, but then I started to think on it, and WOW that is an awesome quote because it is so true. It can be applied to so many things in our life. What are we willing to pay for the things we want? Is the expense to what we want worth it to us? Do we value it that much to pay the price? We answer all these questions, not actually thinking them through, but internally and then taking the action based on our answer.

Sometimes we weigh the consequences of that desire and decide if those consequences are worth it, and if they are than what we are willing to pay shows the worth of that desire.
Looking back in my life I look at the different "objects" that I was willing to pay for or didn't pay for to see what their worth was to me. There are lots of examples in my life and I'm sure in your own that show the worth of something that you had to pay for, but the biggest one and the most important one that ever happened was the price for me and you was. Jesus Christ was willing to pay for us. He made the ultimate sacrifice because you are worth it!  Don't let for a single second that no one cares about you, or that you are alone, or you aren't worth it, because you are.


Sometimes the world doesn't see us for who we really are, what we've been through or what we will become, and that's their loss. Because the Lord does, He knows exactly what we are worth and because He knows we are worth so much He did pay for us. Each and every one of us. So just because you are in a fight with someone or someone hurt your feelings and you are down on yourself, look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself that you're amazing and God knows your worth it! And to prove that you are worth it our Heavenly Father gave up His Son for us so we can return to Him and reach our potential as Gods and Goddesses.  So remember that an object is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.