Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Proposal Story

Well here it is......

Wed. Dec 19 Hutch took me to go get a Christmas tree up Line Creek on our horses. It was fun, I've never went to get a live tree for christmas before, so it was a new experience for me. We found one, that looked to be alright and we cut it down and carried it out back to the trail. Hutch then put the tree on the ground and wanted to keep riding and we'd come back for it on our way back. So we took off again on our horses heading up a hill. We got on top and tied the horses up. He put his coat down so we could sit down on it, drinking hot coco while looking over the Morgan valley. We kept looking for some elk, and on our way up had saw a big bull off in the distance, so Hutch kept looking for more.

 After some time of drinking our hot coco and talking, with the dogs snuggling up next to me, Hutch stood up and walked a little farther on top and went to the other side of the hill, facing more of the mountains rather than the valley.  He stood there for a few minutes and called out to me saying he wants to show me something. I get up and headed toward him thinking.... more elk to see..... I get up to him and he holds me in his arms pointing to a clearing in some trees off in the distance and asks do I see it. At first I am scanning everywhere for elk but in the clearing of trees there are the letters "A + H" (our initials) he had made out of tree branches earlier that morning. He then turned me around as he kneeled on one knee and asked me if I would marry him. And they lived happily ever after.

Engagement Ring:

Isn't it perfect!!!

<3 It! Its gorgeous!
 Why a pearl ring???
I told Hutch I wanted a pearl engagement ring then a diamond ring when I am married. He went and picked out the engagement ring all by himself and I absolutely love it. I must admit I was a little worried what he would pick but he did a great job. Its a pearl with 6 diamonds. 3 on each side of it. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

22nd Birthday! Living Planet Aquarium

For my 22nd Birthday Hutch took me to the Living Planet Aquarium followed by dinner and shopping in Salt Lake. I've wanted to go to the aquarium for quite some time now so he humored me and took me. I loved it. Not sure if he had as much as as I did but we both had a good time. There is one section there about Utah and all the fish that live in Utah and he knew a lot about all the different types and info about them. I was impressed about all the fish he knew about.
There was also different sections of the world with different of their species.
There was ocean animals such as:
  • Giant Pacific Octopus
  • All types of SeaHorses
  • All types of Jelly Fish
  • All types of Star Fish
  • All types of Sharks
  • Sting Rays
  • Sea Turtle (rescued from gulf oil spill)
  • Colorful Fish
Sensitive to Flash (oops)

Can grow to 16 ft. Some of the largest ever recorded have been up to 30 ft.

Jelly Fish

This guys was awesome. In real life you couldn't differ from him and the corral behind him. The picture made him pop out so much more than what him and his surroundings look like
He was so still. Never saw him move, not even a twitch
Sea Urchin - did not know they had eyes!!!! It even blinks! Freaked me out first time I saw this
Beautiful aquarium with gorgeous colorful saltwater fish!
Strangest starfish I ever did see
Now thats JAWS!

 There was a South American Section that had animals such as:
  • Anaconda (13 feet long) - feeds on frozen guinea pigs
  • Tarantulas
  • All sizes/kinds of cockroaches
  • Alligators
  • Giant fish
  • Piranhas
  • Eels
  • All kinds of frogs
  • Glittery Piranhas. Touchy! Touchy!
Anaconda swimming

There was an Artic Section with penguins.
There was another section with all sorts of animals including:
  • Green Tree Boa
  • Weird/unusual creatures
  • Glow-in-the-dark scorpions (glowed lime green)
  • Hissing Cockroaches
  • Green Tree Boa - I want one!
This is what the green tree boa sees - thermal

I was very easily entertained, learned lots, and saw a lot of different types of creatures I never knew even existed. It was such a wonderful birthday. Couldn't have been happier!

<3 Him!
Yupp... I was in Heaven.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Halloween Cookies

The other day my mom made a batch of sugar cookies and told me I had to frost them. These weren't just regular sugar cookies though..... They were Halloween sugar cookies! So of course I couldn't just frost them, I had to decorate them. We had pumpkins and ghost cookie cutters so pumpkin and ghost decorating it was.

Of course I didn't want to decorate them alone.... Where is the fun in that?? So Hutch came over to help me.

At first I was a little skeptical because last time he helped decorate was with cupcakes and he didn't really "decorate" more just like throw everything on and the time he had 21 cupcakes done I had like 2.

But he actually did a really good job and put some effort into making them look good. . . He actually put some creativity into them.

He hates getting his picture taken and I have a bunch of these type of photos of him

My favorite of his..... Santa Claus Ghost

 However, the peaceful decorating turned into, "lets put it all over Ashley's face" dealio....
He sure likes to do this alot, especially with brownie batter.

Some of the final cookies.... quite a few already were eaten

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Quarter Classes

Well its been a while since I've posted anything on here, and I have a lot I could talk about. But for now I'll keep it short and sweet..

My last quarter ended in the last week of Sept. then I had a week off of school. Hutch and I went to visit my sister Rachelle and her husband Ben up in beautiful Kallispell, MT. It was relaxing and nice to not deal with school or work or anything. It was nice spending time with Rachelle and Ben since I haven't seen them for a while.

But its back to school again. This quarter I am excited. I have some pretty good classes that I'll really enjoy.

First class is Advanced Clinical Skills. This class is about doing lab work in a clinic setting which involves dealing with urine, microbiology, blood and more and conducting tests and lab work with those type of things for the animals. I already had a Clinical Skills class, so this will just be taking what I already learned previously further in a clinic.

My next class I am really excited for is Equine. Me and one other person in there are the only ones who has really ever had any contact with horses, in that we feel comfortable around them. Everyone else doesn't know much and a couple of people are scared of them... so it should be interesting. We'll learn about the anatomy/physiology and general things such as colors/breeds/markings/behavior, and then things we'll need to know in a veterinary clinic such as restraint and bandaging, etc. We also get to go to a couple different horse farms (one is a halter farm) so that will be fun to be working with them.... And I'll probably use my horse as a guinea pig to practice on. Hopefully she wont mind.

Last, is small animal nutrition and nursing. This class will be focusing mostly on canine and feline nutrition as well as being a nurse in the clinic for them. This involves doing exams such as history and physical exams, understanding/preparing for emergencies, placing catheters, giving drugs, and so much more. This will be a pretty big class because there is a lot to cover and do, but will be a huge in making me one step closer to work in a veterinary clinic.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
          -Nelson Mandela

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cupcake Decorating

Each month the relief society presidency of the singles wards makes cupcakes to celebrate the birthdays for that month. For August it was my turn and so late one Sat. night after we got a home from a rodeo, Hutch and I baked cupcakes and then decorated them..... Pretty sure he had a better time than me.
That morning I bought some stuff to decorate them with. Sprinkles and different colored frosting gels. As we were finishing frosting them I started to decorate some.... I put some thought and effort into them, trying to make them look good for the girls in the ward.
I get done with 7 and turn to see Hutch just going at it... Throwing sprinkles on them everywhere... including all over the kitchen, and then randomly is squeezing the gel on them, pretty sure not making any certain designs. 

Well... I only got the chance to decorate 7, while he decorated 21, if you can even call it that.
These aren't all of them, but mine are the left. They may not be the best decorated, but you can see a difference between mine and Hutch's decorative skills. Not sure if the girls ate them or not because I had to leave the meeting early, but I'm sure they tasted better than they looked.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Before working at PetSmart, I really did not like 2 animals.... rats and snakes. But after a couple weeks of working there I fell in love with them, and they are now some of my favorite animals. So I eventually got some pet rats, but my mom said she drew the line with snakes. As much as I have wanted some that have come through the store I haven't bought any. We have had this snake called a Sand Boa for the past 4 or 5 months and I fell in love with him. He is one of the coolest, cutest snakes I have come across. Since we have had him I have wanted to get him but knew I wouldn't be allowed to bring him home, but the more I handled him and got him out to show people I realized how awesome of a snake this guy is..... Well you probably can see where this is going....

One day I went to work and went to put the snakes that already ate away... And there he was, and as I was putting him away I couldn't resist not to get him. I decided it was meant to be because he wasn't scheduled to eat that day and if I hadn't have to put him away I wouldn't have been so tempted. My manages found out I was thinking about getting him and when I talked myself out.... they talked me into it...And they had some very good, legit reasons.... So I did it with my moms words echoing in my head "don't ask...don't tell"


I bought him and brought him home that night, without letting my parents find out... My plan was to just keep him a secret, after all it was in my room and he wouldn't be able to escape his cage even if he did try. The great thing about sand boas is they aren't much of a climber, rather a burrower in sand so he can't reach the lid where I have cage clips to keep the lid from being pushed up. But the next morning I freaked out and felt so guilty I had to tell my mom..... Yes she did freak out a bit, but not as much as I thought.. and she still says I have to get rid of it, even though its been a week, but this snake is legit and I am going to keep it, even if it means keeping him somewhere else. I wake up in the mornings and his little head is poking out of the sand at me. My friend Hutch and I having been trying to think of names for this little guy.... We are between Steve and Alex, but if you have any great names that will fit him just let me know.
Sand Boa
So he is legit. Just a few facts:
  •  This snake species is found in semi-arid desert regions, scrub savannahs, and rock
    outcroppings of East Africa; Egypt south to Tanzania; southwest Somalia west to Kenya.
  •  Females are generally larger than males, weighing up to 2 pounds. Female length: 26-32 inches; Male length: 15 inches - - - I believe mine is a male because he is about 12 inches right now so he could get a little bigger
  • The Kenyan sand boa spends most of its life buried in the sand, quite invisible. It also lives hidden under stones and in the burrows of other animals.
  • They are Ovoviviparous, which means although the babies develop inside eggs within the mother, they will be born live.
  • Sand boas are some of the smallest boa species on Earth.
  • The eyes and nostrils of the sand boa are on the top of the head so they can breath and search the surface for prey while the rest of their body lies hidden beneath the sand.

Bye Bye Birdie... I'm gonna miss you so

After I woke up the other morning I was making my way out of my room into my bathroom when this blob of something caught my eye right by the baseboard of the door...there lay a little juvenile hummingbird. Looking at it I thought it was dead...
Eyes closed
Bundled up
Not moving... couldn't see that it was breathing
No reaction to me coming out and walking right next to it.
So I got something and gently touched it because I didn't want to scare it too bad if it was alive.

Poor little guy slowly opened his eyes and started to breathe a little hard. He had been in that room all night and just exhausted from trying to find his way out. So I gently wrap him up in a towel and took him upstairs, but because he was so weak I knew he needed to eat first before he was released. So my mother and I got nectar or sugar water and fed him from a syringe. First he was hesitant at eating but got better and better. We went outside to let him free and. . . .  poor thing... tried to fly away but had missing feathers and still was weak that he flew a few feet and fell to the ground... This happened a few more times and decided that we'd just have to help him. We tried putting him on the hummingbird feeder and the poor guy just sat there.... until a mean big one came and knocked him off tumbling him to the ground.

So we took him inside and kept him in a little container. We first kept feeding him every few minutes, and then every 30 minutes throughout the day... He started to become more alert and getting strength back but because he had missing feathers he wouldn't be able to fly until they grew back in. So we called up the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah in Ogden. We took him in where he was going to have a new family of 5 other hummingbirds that were there to be taken care of until their release back into the wild. 
They are a wonderful non-profit organization to help sick or injured wildlife get ready back on their feet to be released back into the wild. They "through wildlife rehabilitation and education will empower the community to engage in conservation and responsible stewardship of wildlife and habitat." Like them on Facebook and check out their website at and check on our little hummingbird. His animal case # 1105 and you can follow his rehab process.

Here are a few pictures of the little guy:
Sitting on the hummingbird feeder

As he sat there some other hummingbirds came by to eat

And some came to chase others away

“Man believes he must manage the wilderness for the wilderness’ sake. Wilderness: a perfect example of eons of successful self-management and yet man shall “manage” it to death.”
~Buz Marthaler~

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Back To School

"Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight. Ohhhh, back to school. Back to school. Back to school. Well, here goes nothing." - Billy Madison

Well its another quarter in the life of a Broadview University student, and that means new classes. I had a decent 3 week break from school... definitely not long enough and i wish that break included a break from work as well. But it was nice not to have to worry about studying and homework and waking up early.

My first class I am taking is Basic Hematology. Blood and lots of it. Fortunately last week I got a heads up on veins with my practice on shooting a drug into the jugular vein of a horse.... My friend Hutch told me he needs me to be his vet from now on... so he taught me how to find the vein and inject it. Only thing is we had to make sure we didn't hit an artery or it would really mess the horse up, so I was kind of freaked out because I didn't know the difference between a vein and an artery. Well after the first day of school I found out, you'd have to be really really bad at injecting and practically at a 90 degree angle deep into the animal to hit the artery, and arteries have bright blood and keeps pumping. Veins are closer to the surface, hit it at a 30 degree angle, and has darker blood. Fortunately I hit the vein and the horse slowly dozed off so he could get his feet trimmed. Hitting it wasn't as hard as I thought. Since this class is basic hematology I will be doing a lot of blood draws from the cephalic and saphenous veins from dogs and cats and learn all the components of bloods, smears, slides, etc....

Adult ascarids in the small intestine of a horse
My next class is Parasitology.... Ticks, lice, fleas, tapeworm, heart-worm, giardia, bots, flukes, nematodes... you get the idea. We learn all about the different types and how to do tests. This includes dealing with blood, urine, skin, hair, and my favorite... poop. Poop smears, fecal floats, poop soup... its going to be grand. This will probably one of my more harder classes this quarter, just because there is a lot of information to cover and remember. Everyone, including my teacher, says this class is one of the more harder ones just because of all the information to study.

My third class is Lab Animals, Pocket Pets, and Exotics. I am pretty excited for this class. We will get to cover all the animals excluding dogs/cats/large/production. So this means: rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, hedge hogs, sugar gliders, birds, reptiles.... and so on. It will be fun, especially working at PetSmart I work with a lot of the animals in this category.

After 11 weeks I'll be done with this classes, have a week break and move on to my next set of vet tech classes. So far the program has been great, learning lots, and its definitely something that is for me. So until next time....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lions, Tigers, and Bears!

Last week we had the chance to take my 17 month old niece Paisley to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake. Pretty sure I enjoyed the zoo more than her cause I do have this little addiction with animals, but she liked seeing all the different types of animals there. I hadn't been there since I was 11, so it was a great experience now that I'm older and so many changes have been made. They had some pretty amazing animals there and I learned quite a few things, such as a giraffe's tongue is 18 inches long. That is a long tongue and one giraffe was just licking the side of the building so we got to see actually how long it really is. Also that tiger stripes and giraffe prints are like human finger prints, not one is ever the same.

White Glove Monkey
Watching the monkeys were very entertaining. I was just impressed how they can swing and climb through their habitats like its nothing. It looked a lot of fun with their long arms, their feet being used just like their hands, and then there tails wrapping around anything helping them hang on and move from branch to branch. The Spider Monkeys were probably the most entertaining ones swinging around.

The Columbus Monkeys were way adorable. They had really interesting coat that were black with long white hair that lied off of their sides as shown in these 2 pictures. And just look at that adorable face!!

Because elephants are my favorite animal I just absolutely loved seeing them, especially seeing baby Zuri there. She is going to be 2 years old this august and she sure is the cutest little thing.  They are quite an amazing animal. I think it would be way cool to be able to ride one, and it would be even cooler to have one as a pet but I would not enjoy having to feed it knowing how much they eat. One thing I did learn that day was their trunks can be over 300 pounds, no bones but with over 40,000 muscles! That is insane, more than we have in our body. It is a very important body part to their being and survival.
Elephants have been my favorite animal since the 2nd grade when I did a report on them. At the zoo that day they were fun to watch. How they moved, used their trunk for the water to spray on them or to throw dirt over their backs, how they use it like a vacuum to pick up leaves and grasses off the ground, and how baby Zuri is shown love from her mother. It was a hot day so Zuri sure did enjoy getting in the water to cool off.

One of my other favorite parts of that day was this guy. He sure has a big personality and loved  to show for all the kids.... including myself. At first he was just basking away in the sunshine and once he realizes he has a crowed waiting for him he gets up and dives into the water and puts on a very thrilling show. He swims up to the glass, pops up, poses for the camera and pushes off swimming on his back until he gets to his rock a few yards from the glass window. He stands up on it, and then dives back under, doing this routine for a good while. Pretty sure he could do it all day long and loved the attention. I watched him do it over and over for the longest time, and when we walked by later he was still at it, putting big smiles on everyone's faces. He is a character.

We did take a nice little train ride around a few habitats to see some animals you can't get to see from the normal walkways. It was a fun little train, kind of reminded me like the one at lagoon, except not as cool. Here is our exciting zoo day tour. Jess, Nick, Paisley, Mama, and I.

 It was an eventful day and I had a blast. Everyone had fun but I think it did wear out this little girl just a tad bit.....